In memory of Carlo

                                                                                                                                                                                          10 October 08

We're barefoot in the grass, with lemon and salt in on hand, and lemonade in the other

I'm eight years old, and so are my friends

It's Swedish summer, hay fever is in the air, but we are young, innocent, unknown to all the hidden allergies


a pair of worn out jeans

"New Kids on the Block" we wrote while cutting them up

two hamsters in love

and jealous eight year old eyes all over the play ground

"Solstralegatan", The street of Sunbeam was the name of our street

We are happy, curious, cute and lovable

We are only eight years old

Behind the white balconies, the green grass and open playground, lies some dark secrets, veiled and unknown to our faiths

too heavy for our childhood minds to understand

But it's ok

because it's still summer, and we are together, dancing on the grass

My childhood was wrapped up nicely, carefully

these were the memories holding my identity together

these were the years giving me comfort during the doubtful storms

And we grew up

we got busy


Dreams exploded, identities were questioned

Lungs developed allergies...times changed

I  am trying to save "the world"

while "MY world" is collapsing

He left us last night


Woke all our memories to life, brought us together

before he left us for good

The jeans will stay

and so will the memories

but he will not

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